Both operational:
1. Light Puprle - Ropeway Sashevardno, the steepest ropeway in whole Soviet Union 48 degrees angle. (Double Cabin ATW)
2. Dark Red - Ropeway 25, the first passenger ropeway in Soviet Union built in 1954. (Doublle Cabin ATW)
Abandoned for now:
1. Light Blue - Hospital to Univercity (Single Cabin ATW)
2. Light Green - Hospital to Residential Zone (Single Cabin ATW)
3. Dark Purple - Center to Upper Lejubani (Single Cabin ATW)
Old ATW's all dismantled and under reconstruction:
1. Yellow - Center to Rustaveli ropeway has been dismantled and won't be restored. (Single Cabin ATW)
2. Dark Blue - Center to Naguti with intermediate station. (Single Cabin ATW)
3. Red Sanatorium - Center to Sanatorium ropeway completely recembles the old route so I left it as it was (Single Cabin ATW)
4. Dark Green - Mukhadze Ropeway (Single Cabin ATW)
New ATW's
1. Red Lejubani - new ropeway from Center to Lejubani is being built (Double Cabin ATW)
2. Red Sanatorium - new ropeway from Center to Lejubani is bein built and completely recembles old route (Double Cabin ATW)
3. Red Naguti - new ropeway from Center to Naguti is slightely moved on a side and is being lengthened to the heart of the district (Double Cabin ATW)
4. Red Mukhadze - new ropeway from Center to Mukhadze, lower station is moved to centrail three way station and becomes four way one. Upper Station also is moved on upper location. (Double Cabin ATW)[/SIZE][/B]
High quality to see and download.