Autor Thema: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr  (Gelesen 36251 mal)

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moszkva tér

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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #45 am: 08. Mai 2017, 11:49:28 »
Hier ein aktueller Bericht aus Chiatura. Es fahren mittlerweile nur mehr zwei Seilbahnen, die lange "Seilbahn 25" aus 1954 und die extrem steile "Friedensbahn" zum Manganstollen.
Angeblich will der Staat ca. 100 Millionen Euro investieren, um die Seilbahnen zu modernisieren. Es ist natürlich positiv, aber auch schade, dass dann ein Doppelmeyer-Leitner-Einheitsbrei entsteht.


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #46 am: 14. Mai 2017, 19:15:35 »
9 Seilbahnen sind im betrieb in Chiatura. Alle gehören zum Georgian Manganese.

Kein (nur 2 Bahnen).

Von 17 Seilbahnen 6 Munizipale Seilbahnen alle sind außer betrieb un davon 4 werden neu Gebaut.
Mit 2 restliche Bahnen inst noch unklar, werden sie auch mit neue Bahnen ersetzt, oder abgebaut.


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #47 am: 14. Mai 2017, 19:19:31 »
Both operational:

1. Light Puprle - Ropeway Sashevardno, the steepest ropeway in whole Soviet Union 48 degrees angle. (Double Cabin ATW)
2. Dark Red - Ropeway 25, the first passenger ropeway in Soviet Union built in 1954. (Doublle Cabin ATW)

Abandoned for now:

1. Light Blue - Hospital to Univercity (Single Cabin ATW)
2. Light Green - Hospital to Residential Zone (Single Cabin ATW)
3. Dark Purple - Center to Upper Lejubani (Single Cabin ATW)

Old ATW's all dismantled and under reconstruction:

1. Yellow - Center to Rustaveli ropeway has been dismantled and won't be restored. (Single Cabin ATW)
2. Dark Blue - Center to Naguti with intermediate station. (Single Cabin ATW)
3. Red Sanatorium - Center to Sanatorium ropeway completely recembles the old route so I left it as it was (Single Cabin ATW)
4. Dark Green - Mukhadze Ropeway (Single Cabin ATW)

New ATW's

1. Red Lejubani - new ropeway from Center to Lejubani is being built (Double Cabin ATW)
2. Red Sanatorium - new ropeway from Center to Lejubani is bein built and completely recembles old route (Double Cabin ATW)
3. Red Naguti - new ropeway from Center to Naguti is slightely moved on a side and is being lengthened to the heart of the district (Double Cabin ATW)
4. Red Mukhadze - new ropeway from Center to Mukhadze, lower station is moved to centrail three way station and becomes four way one. Upper Station also is moved on upper location. (Double Cabin ATW)[/SIZE][/B]

High quality to see and download.


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #48 am: 14. Mai 2017, 19:20:35 »

The Whole valley of original ropeways 17 out of 24 found.


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #49 am: 14. Mai 2017, 19:24:17 »
New ATW's in Chiatura replacing old ones, produced by POMA.

The difference from original ATW is that, Sanatorium destination remains the same, Naguti station location is changed the destination is prolonged. Lezhubani is completely new destination. Rustaveli sttreet destination won't be reconstructed.

The new investment totalled four lines which was spread over 3,428m of ropeways.

Sanatorium (სანატორიუმი) – 862m
Naguti (ნაგუთი) – 1,081m
Lezhubani (ლეჟუბანი) – 845m
Mukhadze (მუხაძე ) – 640m

Ropeway map shows Sanatorium, Naguti and Lezhubani lines. Note the main hub will be connected to 3 cable cars. The Mukhadze line is not shown. Image from

At the time of writing, ropeways operating from the “central station” are already under construction while the Mukhadze system is still in the design stage. Overall, if everything goes according to plan, the US$15 million (GEL 40 million) project will open for passenger service by Fall 2017.

[COLOR="silver"]- - - Aggiornato - - -[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Station Naguti[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="silver"]- - - Aggiornato - - -[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Station Lejubani[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="silver"]- - - Aggiornato - - -[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Station Sanatorium[/COLOR][/B]


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #50 am: 14. Mai 2017, 19:26:05 »
Central Station

Mukhadze Street 4th ropeway project has been aproved and changes lower station location, it will be ajointed with 3 way ropeway central station. It also changes upper station location and overall everything looks like this.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Merging with Central Station[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Mukhadze Station[/COLOR][/B]

Progress as of 8 May

Station Central

Station Lejubani

Station Sanatorium


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #51 am: 14. Mai 2017, 20:59:04 »
I did not expect that the work will really start! Whow - and let's hope they come to a succesfull end.
Thanks so much for the maps and the pictures about the work in progress!


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #52 am: 14. Mai 2017, 21:18:01 »
Schöne Video Montage

Als das gemacht worde Mukhadze Seilbahn Projekt war noch nicht fertig.


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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #53 am: 03. November 2017, 19:17:34 »
Also ganz aus der Welt, wie es die Vorbeiträge verkünden, sind die alten Seilbahnen in Chiatura und Umgebung noch nicht - hier zwei aktuelle Berichte vom Herbst 2017:



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Re: [GE] Chiatura - Seilbahnen und anderer Stadtverkehr
« Antwort #54 am: 26. Januar 2025, 23:12:15 »
Ich grab das einmal aus, da ich gerade eine Doku über Georgiens Seilbahnen mit dem Titel "Die schwebenden Särge" entdeckt habe:
Es ist nichts so fein gesponnen, es kommt doch ans Licht der Sonnen!
... brrrr, Klumpert!
Entklumpertung des Referats West am 02.02.2024 um 19.45 Uhr planmäßig abgeschlossen!