Autor Thema: [BE] Abstimmen für Straßenbahn-Parade  (Gelesen 8158 mal)

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[BE] Abstimmen für Straßenbahn-Parade
« am: 21. Februar 2020, 12:10:36 »
Vielen ist die grandiose Straßenbahn-Parade letztes Jahr am 1. Mai in Brüssel noch in Erinnerung. Um auch künftig ähnliche Veranstaltungen möglich zu machen (es gibt einige Ideen....) ersuche ich Euch, möglichst zahlreich beim anschließenden Event-Votum des Tourismus-Verbandes für die Parade zu stimmen. Bitte auch möglichst zahlreich weiterleiten!

Dear all,
you certainly remember the celebration of 150 years trams in Brussels, on May 1st, 2019. 50.000 visitors joined the
event: this number alone is a good indicator of the success of this event organized by the Brussels Tramway
Museum and STIB.
Visit Brussels, in charge of promoting tourism of the Brussels Region, grants every year awards for the most
prestigious and unique events of the last year (
The 150 years trams in Brussels has been nominated in the category “public initiative”, but in order to get the
award we need the support of the public: you can vote for us on the Webpage

you must vote in each category. Up to you to select any event of your choice in the other categories, but make sure you
vote for “150 ans du tram à Bruxelles” in the category Public Initiative. At the end you need to fill in your email and tick the
box for accepting the privacy rules. Your vote is completed when you get a reply “thank you for your vote”.
Deadline: March 2nd, 2020.
Do not hesitate to forward this mail to friends and other tramway enthusiasts!
Thanks a lot